Which is better: Bosch or Whirlpool washing machine?

Which is better: Bosch or Whirlpool washing machine?Sooner or later, any household appliance breaks down, no matter how carefully the owner uses it. There are many models of washing machines available in stores, making a choice is not easy. Manufacturers offer different options, but how can you decide if your eyes are wide open? Which is better to choose, a Bosch or Whirlpool washing machine? We will talk about the distinctive features of both brands below.

Examples of comparison criteria

You can compare washing machines with each other in many ways. And depending on the selected characteristic, we will get different results. It is necessary to proceed from which criteria are considered priority. For one person, quality is important regardless of the price, while another first of all pays attention to the cost of the equipment.

Most often, comparisons of models presented on the market proceed as follows: the buyer opens Yandex.Market and sets the characteristics that are important to him in the filter. Then a choice is made from the washing machines shown. What criteria should you pay attention to?

  • Price. It is impossible to single out a single leader here, because Whirlpool and Bosch produce models in approximately the same price category. Both brands have budget, mid-range and premium options for washing machines. For example, the Bosch Serie 4 WLL2416M is very similar in price and performance to the Whirlpool FWSD 81283 WCV. True, the latter has a larger load.
  • Possible load volume. Of course, if a single person chooses a washing machine, this detail will not be as important for him as for a mother with many children. Using this parameter, it will also not be possible to determine which is better.Both brands provide models with a loading capacity of up to 8 kg, which is quite impressive even for a large family. Although Whirlpool has washing machines with a capacity of up to 12 kg, while Bosch only has a capacity of up to 10 kg.machine selection criteria
  • Maximum spin speed. Few people pay attention to this criterion, but manufacturers indicate it among the first. On this point, we can definitely say that Bosch is superior to Whirlpool. The latter have models operating at 1400 rpm, which is very good. However, Bosch produces washing machines with 1600 rpm, and this is an undoubted advantage of the brand.
  • Noisy operation. One of the most important criteria when choosing a washing machine, because some buyers have small children, while others are quite light sleepers. We will not be able to single out a leader based on this parameter alone, because the opinions among Bosch and Whirlpool users are divided.

Important! The noise level during washing depends more on the specific model rather than the manufacturer.

  • Volume of water consumed. Nobody wants to overpay for water supply, because utility prices are constantly rising. We hasten to please you - both brands are quite economical, requiring only 40-45 liters per cycle of operation. This is a very good indicator, but much more is spent on one trip to the shower. On the other hand, Bosch produces models with a consumption of 90-100 liters of water and better rinsing quality.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of criteria for choosing a washing machine. Each buyer selects the most significant ones for himself, so there can be no winner. Both manufacturers produce fairly high-quality products, so it will be difficult to decide between Bosch and Whirlpool. Let's try to analyze other important points, turning to the opinion of technical specialists.

Thoughts from craftsmen about Bosch

In the understanding of many buyers, Bosch and quality are synonymous words. The German manufacturer does not even try to reduce the quality of the product by reducing the price. Cheap washing machines are as reliable as expensive modern machines. Then what is the difference?

The fact is that inexpensive washing machines have the bare minimum of functions. Basically, they can only do laundry. Expensive home appliances can do many other things, for example, sending their owner an SMS about the start or readiness of washing. They have a multi-function display showing various process parameters and other features. The choice depends on what characteristics of the washing machine are your priority.

Bosch washing machines are reliable regardless of their price, which is quite rare among such equipment.

It is also worth noting the reliability of the main components; in particular, drum bearings are rarely changed by craftsmen. The electronic “filling” suffers from malfunctions less often than similar mechanisms in other brands of washing machines. However, there are also disadvantages that are definitely worth mentioning.brushes often fail

  • The cost of parts beyond the standard is too high. If a breakdown occurs, you have to wait a long time for spare parts. Yes, and they will cost a pretty penny.
  • Carbon graphite brushes. Although they are inexpensive, they will not last long.
  • High requirements for water quality. Many Bosch models begin to act up if the water is bad. You can solve the problem by installing a special filter in front of the inlet hose, but you will have to pay extra for this.

Buyers of Bosch equipment and specialists give it a deservedly high rating. Of course, when choosing a model, you should pay attention to the disadvantages listed above.In addition, recently there have been complaints about washing machines made in St. Petersburg.

Opinions expressed about Whirlpool

When justifying the choice of which is better, some technicians are inclined to use Whirlpool due to lower requirements for water quality. Among the advantages of washing machines of this brand are stability when operating in different modes, low noise, high quality of dirt removal and spinning. It is also worth noting the attractive design of home appliances that will fit into any interior. And the cost of Whirlpool washing machines is quite reasonable, which is why they are so popular.weak electronics Whirlpool

There are also disadvantages, in particular, poor shock absorber mounting. It seems that the manufacturer sacrificed them, wanting to make the washing process more comfortable. These parts often break and cause serious problems. When repairing Whirlpool washing machines, specialists constantly have to deal with such breakdowns.

The electronic unit and tank suspension often fail. Replacing parts costs a lot of money; sometimes it’s easier to buy a new washing machine, because there is no guarantee that the supplied spare part will work for a long time. Whirlpool washing machines produced earlier are of much higher quality compared to modern models.


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