Reviews of the Siemens WS10G160OE washing machine

reviews of Siemens WS10G160OEAlmost all Siemens brand washing machines cost more than $350. This is explained by the high cost of high-quality components from which such washing machines are assembled. It is clear that at the same time they last longer than competitors’ washing machines, but consumers sometimes want some kind of surprise from their favorite company, some good offer. And the company does it. The Siemens WS10G160OE washing machine is currently available for $315. Let's see what customer reviews for this model are on the Internet.

Men's opinions

Alexey, Moscow

When I picked up the machine, I expected that the top cover would be removable, but it turns out it is not removable. Now I don’t know how to get it under the countertop in the kitchen. I would really like to install the washing machine with the least amount of modifications, so now I am actively looking for information on how to solve my problem. Maybe you know?

Yuri, Vladimir

In 2014, when the cost of equipment began to rise, I invested all my free money in home improvement. Including taking a new refrigerator and washing machine. I was the luckiest with the Siemens WS10G160OE washing machine, because in 3 years there was not a single breakdown or even the slightest malfunction. This is just an unkillable German assistant, without her I’m like without hands. She has a lot of advantages.

  1. It erases perfectly on all programs.
  2. Wastes little water and electricity.
  3. There is a digital display and electronic controls.
  4. It has a narrow body, only 40 cm, but the drum load is not impressive, only 5 kg.
  5. The machine is fully protected: from leaks, from imbalance, from excessive foaming.
  6. It has a wide hatch through which laundry can be thrown in a heap, in addition, there is a delay start of up to 24 hours.

My wife sometimes puts on a long wash program at night. So, the machine starts on its own at two in the morning, and by six in the morning (before getting up for work), it finishes washing.

My wife and I are very pleased with our purchase. If this machine ever breaks down, I will only take Siemens as a replacement. It seems to me that there is simply no better technology.

Semyon, EkaterinburgSiemens WS10G160OE

Siemens WS10G160OE is the most reliable machine I have ever come across. It has been working for 2 years and has never let me down. There is no noise from it, no vibration, it wastes little powder and water, and the washing result is normal. The spin could be better, but it doesn’t bother me much, since three years ago I decided to buy dryer. It even dries poorly wrung out items perfectly. In my opinion, Siemens deserves a solid B!

Oleg, Omsk

I was very unlucky; I received a defective washing machine. The first thing that caught my eye during the first wash was that some information was not displayed on the display. The display turned out to be defective. 5 minutes before the end of the wash, I discovered a small puddle right in front of the hatch door. There were also a few droplets of soapy water on the door itself. The service technician found that the machine had three defects:

  • faulty display;
  • a deep crack on the hatch cover, which I did not immediately notice;
  • faulty UBL.

Moreover, the hatch blocking device blocked the door, but did it incorrectly, as a result of which water leaked onto the floor during washing, since leakage protection does not work in such a situation. I don't think Siemens are bad machines, I think I was just unlucky.

Anton, Moscow

I didn’t like the washing machine mainly because it is impossible to manually adjust the washing time and temperature. It is very uncomfortable. I also don’t like the nasty squeaking sound at the end of the wash, which definitely needs to be turned off. If you don't do this, you'll get tired of listening. They would have done it like on LG, it beeped several times and shut up. And of course, an unpleasant smell. It makes my wife mad because I don't find the smell of burnt rubber unpleasant. You open the hatch after washing in hot water, and a very specific amber wafts through the house. Dissatisfied with the purchase!

Women's opinions

Ekaterina, St. Petersburg

As long as it doesn’t break down, it’s a very good washing machine, but if a serious breakdown occurs, you’ll get a situation like mine. I'll start from the beginning. Three years ago I purchased a Siemens WS10G160OE. The first year it worked great, but when the warranty expired, it was replaced.

  1. There was a loud noise during washing and spinning.
  2. A puddle began to form under the hull.
  3. The display began to blink and go dark.
  4. During washing, it sometimes began to freeze.

I didn’t delay too much and called a specialist. He cost me $145 for repairs and spare parts. Just awful. For this money you can buy some bad new washing machine. I paid, Siemens fixed it for me and it still works, but I’m terribly unhappy that I had to spend so much. I do not recommend this machine to anyone!

Julia, Krasnodar

I like everything about the machine except the loading. Really little laundry fits into the drum, and it’s simply impossible to wash any large, bulky item. Why the manufacturer makes washing machines with such small drums is not clear, because the hatch is wide and the controls are modern.

Elena, Vladivostok

I bought this machine 4 years ago for about $300, I don’t remember exactly how much I paid. She really has no equal when it comes to laundry. If you operate it strictly according to the instructions, then it will not create any problems for you. I had an old Siemens, still purely German, so it worked for 18 years and went to the country. I sometimes turn it on there, because it continues to work as if nothing had happened. The body is only a little rusty on the bottom. If you know for sure that the new one will work the same amount, then you can pay twice as much money for it. I recommend to buy!

Siemens WS10G160OE reviews

Tatyana, Ivanovo

I was disappointed in the washing machine because it constantly glitches and twists the laundry. You take things out of the drum tied in a knot. With pastel linen the situation is even worse. It's scary to look at him. After three washes, noticeable pills appear on the sheets, and after 8 washes, a hole has formed on your favorite duvet cover. I was just taken aback when I saw this. Do not buy Siemens WS10G160OE, its quality leaves much to be desired!

By the way, the machine also dissolves the powder every other time. Sometimes a huge lump accumulates in the tray, which is difficult to clean out.

Diana, Rostov-on-Don

I strongly recommend this machine for purchase, because it is really normal. It has good programs that allow you to choose the washing mode that the housewife needs. If you want to slightly refresh your laundry, take a quick wash, but if you need to wash something very dirty, you can set the wash for 4 hours with a pre-soak. I've been washing on this machine for two years and everything is fine.


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