Reviews of the Beko DFS 05010W dishwasher

reviews of Beko DFS 05010WDishwashers are considered to be expensive appliances. Some, out of old memory, consider these washing machines almost a luxury item, an attribute of a rich life, but this is no longer the case. And if anyone is in doubt, take a look at the Beko DFS 05010W budget dishwasher, which can be purchased today for just $255. This machine is undoubtedly affordable, but is it worth the money? Let's turn to user reviews.

Men's opinions

Dmitry, Belgorod

Recently my wife and I decided to get into dishwashing technology. My wife went to choose a washing machine for the first time and brought me several options, mainly Electroluxes and Boshis. I liked the characteristics the most machine Bosch SPS40E32RU, but it costs $440. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t really want to shell out that much money for unfamiliar equipment, especially when you’re not sure that you even need it. Without thinking twice, we bought Beko DFS 05010W for $230 including the discount.

I was pleased with the price, but I was a little worried about the quality of the dishwasher. My wife shared my concern, so we started testing right on the day of installation.

At the time of writing this note, our family has been using the dishwasher for 6 months. What did I notice?

  1. The machine is compact, does not take up much space and does not spoil the appearance of the kitchen.
  2. Despite its small dimensions, the equipment is very spacious, especially if you stack the dishes correctly.
  3. The baskets slide out and slide in smoothly, do not fall out, and if necessary, they can be partially transformed or moved vertically.
  4. It’s easy to use, especially with tablets, and the results are downright impressive.
  5. It takes a long time to wash and it’s annoying, especially when you want to sip coffee from your favorite mug, and it turns out that your wife put the mug in the sink for 3.5 hours.
  6. The set of functions could be called complete, but there is no beam, although in my opinion it is not needed.

The general conclusion can be formulated now, although little time has passed since the purchase. The machine is not without its shortcomings, but for the money it is good. It does its job well, but is very slow, so lately we have been trying to run it at night. At night, fortunately, we do not eat or drink, so clean dishes are only required in the morning before breakfast.

Alik, St. Petersburg

I’m not very good at saving money, but I decided to put it aside for the dishwasher, I’m really tired of washing dishes by hand. We managed to save a little, but this amount was enough to purchase Beko DFS 05010W. The machine was delivered in the best possible condition; in addition to the usual components, it came with a pack of Finish tablets, which personally made me very happy. The machine was installed for me that day, and I washed the first batch of dishes. Finally, I was delighted with the result, and my kitchen became a little more modern.

Evgeniy, Smolensk

I like built-in appliances, but in order to build them somewhere, you need to prepare the place. I decided not to bother with remodeling the kitchen for now and took a freestanding narrow model. Beko DFS 05010W differs slightly from other similar machines, but it has a reasonable price. So I would have bought only one dishwasher, for example the Bosch brand, but I also bought voltage stabilizer for dishwasher. So that kitchen appliances work without interruption and do not burn out in the event of a power outage.

Alexey, KhabarovskBeko DFS 05010W

The latest domestic scandal with my wife gave me a burning desire to either get a divorce or buy a dishwasher. Having calmed down a little, I decided to make do with little bloodshed and chose the second option. The fact is that my wife, who by the way is a housewife, has a kink about washing dishes. Otherwise she is a good housewife, but she hates washing dishes.

After work, tired, I have to get up to the sink and wash a whole mountain, or rather, I had to. Now, finally, everything has changed, because the Beko DFS 05010W washes the dishes, and does it perfectly. 7 months have already passed and our family relationships are noticeably improving.

Boris, Murmansk

The machine saves water well, and its sprinklers will get dirt everywhere. The washing is very effective, not like with old machines, where sometimes you had to wash it with your hands. Very good technique and easy to use.

Women's opinions

Olga, Novorossiysk

Five years ago I didn’t even think about the benefits of a dishwasher, but now I can’t imagine my life without it. All the dishes in the house became much cleaner. There are not a single print or stain on the glass objects, the pans and pots have been completely transformed, and all this is thanks to my “home assistant.”

I’ve been using Beko DFS 05010W for a year and haven’t found any defects, although even the salesperson in the store told me that it was supposedly untested and therefore unreliable. I think he was wrong or wanted to sell me some other, less popular machine.

Elvira, Moscow

The dishwasher is a good thing, it’s hard to argue with that.But at one time I experienced great difficulties with choosing technology. I searched all the forums and websites in search of acceptable information, all of them were just speculation and nonsense. It seems that people don’t use machines at all, but they leave comments. I decided to order Beko DFS 05010W and, it seems, I was right. It's surprisingly cheap, but don't look at the price, the quality is amazing, I didn't expect it myself. You can take it, that's for sure!

I was offered a Kandy car, but for some reason I chose Beko, probably it was fate.

Larisa, Novosibirsk

We purchased Beko DFS 05010W about a year ago. It works well, there are enough functions and programs. The only drawback I think is that the door is too tight. My husband doesn't get around to adjusting it. I recommend to buy!

Natalia, Ekaterinburg

A beautiful white machine that washes dishes perfectly, it’s a dream come true. My husband made me happy on the eve of our wedding anniversary; I no longer have to make three trips to the sink a day. How happy I am with the progress that is gradually coming to our home, freeing up hours of precious time for me.

Ekaterina, Ryazan

Very inexpensive and good machine. No complaints, it has been in service for a year and a half and has proven itself to be excellent. It washes perfectly and dries well too, but it takes quite a long time. The first time I didn’t manage to fold the dishes properly, when I learned how, everything went like clockwork. I recommend!


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