PE error in LG washing machine

PE error in LG washing machinesIf, after the usual procedure for starting the washing machine, the washing still does not start, then simply restarting the equipment will not do. The problem is serious and instructions will be needed. Therefore, we offer recommendations and start by finding out the decoding of this code.


The PE error in an LG washing machine can occur at any stage of washing if the fault appears for the first time. But at one point, an error may pop up immediately after starting the program, and therefore you should not neglect such messages. The error is explained quite simply - a malfunction of the water level sensor, which cannot determine how much water has been filled into the tank.

Note that water, in this case, must be drawn into the machine, even if it happens slowly or, conversely, quickly. If the tank does not have a minimum of water in 25 minutes or if the tank overflows with water in less than four minutes, the PE error will appear on the display. If water does not flow at all, then this is a completely different breakdown and another error. Most likely, the display will show code I.E..

Please note that IE and PE errors are similar, in most cases they have the same symptoms, but they are not identical, since they are caused by different reasons.

Causes of malfunction

The main reason for such a rare error in an LG washing machine is a breakdown of the water level switch. This happens in almost 90% of cases. But still, this is not the only reason; the performance of the sensor can also be affected by:

  • faulty wiring from the sensor to the electronic board;
  • malfunction of the triac on the module responsible for the operation of the pressure switch;
  • lack of air supply in the pressure tube (the tube has flown off or broken);
  • violation in the installation of the washing machine. When water leaves the tank by gravity, the pressure switch cannot record the water level.

We eliminate it with our own hands

If you want to fix the problem yourself, start by rebooting the “brains” of your equipment. But this is for the case when you first saw such an error and the chances that it will work are not great.

If you hear water leaving the tank when filling, then feel free to check that the machine is connected correctly. The drain hose must be located at a certain height from the floor to prevent this from happening. The drain point must be at least 50 cm from the floor. The drain hose may have fallen out of its fastening; be sure to check this.

After that, proceed to inspecting the “insides” of the car, and for this:

  1. Unplug the machine.pressure switch in lg
  2. Turn off the water supply.
  3. Remove the top housing cover.
  4. Find the pressure switch at the top.
  5. Check the integrity of the pressure tube and the tightness of its connection to the sensor.
  6. Check the cable with wires that connect the water level sensor and the control module, use a multimeter.
  7. If all of the above is in order, disconnect the pressure switch and replace it with a new one suitable for your model of LG washing machine.
  8. Assemble the machine and run the wash to check its functionality.

Very rarely, the cause of a PE error in a LV washing machine is burnt-out triacs on the module. Re-soldering them is not difficult if you know where they are and what they look like. And if the processor on the board burns out, then there are two options. The first is to replace the entire electronic board with a new one, which will be expensive.The second option is to buy a new washing machine, which is what users most often choose, because in most cases the equipment that gets repaired is old and there is no point in repairing it. But we repeat: with a PE error, this rarely happens, just like the error itself.

Thus, in this case you can fix the problem yourself. The main thing is to notice the malfunction in time. Good luck!


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Alexander Alexander:

    Hello! 21 century! Guys! I'm a simple electrician. 24 years of experience. No expert in washing machines! But sorry, there was a PE error, which says water level sensor. What nonsense, it turned out to be a pump. Why be misleading? Well, you would have indicated all the reasons! Why does a simple man start changing the sensor, then the tube, then the thyristor, and finally the pump! And not even Askolovskaya, but the PRC! The washing machine is LG!

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